Monday, April 7, 2014

Create a Website for your Imaginary Business (For the week of April 14th)

Your assignment this week is to create a home page for your imaginary business on (You can login using your Google account.) Make sure as a minimum that your site has the following: 1.)A catchy name 2.)A nice design 3.)At least one image related to your business taken from any of the following public domain archives: Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons, or Internet Archive 4.)An “About” section on your website where, in 5 paragraphs, you describe the following about your company: 1.) What it does (in general), 2.) The customers it serves, 3.) What makes it unique and differentiates it from the competition, 4) How it can be reached via social media, 5.) A call to action to motivate website visitors to visit one of your social media related sites. Once you have created your site, post the URL as a comment in response to this post. You will use this site to post your final exam project (instructions will be given out in class next week).

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