Sunday, March 30, 2014

Ease of Access vs. Privacy and Security

There is no doubt that cloud computing and mobile devices are convenient to use, but they do raise serious questions about privacy and security. Do the benefits of such technology outweigh the downside? Which is more important to you: ease of access, or privacy and security? Write a blog post of at least 250 words giving your response to those questions, and read and respond to at least two classmates' blog entries.

1 comment:

  1. Cloud computing and mobile devices are convenient to use and very helpful. Cloud computing’s most important advantage is cost. We are only charged for the data but not for physical infrastructure. Remotely accessing servers are very helpful as they can be stored safely, inexpensively, and under surveillance. Also sometimes computer hardware is so expensive that you can’t even imagine buying it, and in this scenario cloud computing is the best option. The price factor is very, very vital for companies as well as customers. Neither companies nor their customers can spend a lot of money on hardware.
    The second important reason in favor of cloud computing is backup, .i.e., there is always a possibility of losing data from your mobile device, tablet, desktop, and laptop; in these cases, remote-based accounts can be retrieved with the ease of downloading a file. Hardware failures and crashes are common hence cloud computing backup is important.
    On the other hand there is always the possibility of getting your cloud account hacked or its information stolen, but there are certain anti-viruses and other software that software that can help fix this problem.
